Our Blogs

3 Mar 2021
March 1, 2021 Appvion announced a price increase ranging from 4%-10%, effective on shipments on May 3, 2021. Non-Top Coated Products are increasing 10%, Top-Coated Products are increasing 7%, and Film Products are Increasing 4%. If you would like a copy of the actual announcement, please contact Brandon Kent, bkent@telemarkcorp.com.
28 Jan 2021
We are writing to inform you that Appvion is increasing prices up to 7% for all direct thermal paper, film, and other coated products globally. It is effective on all shipments beginning February 28, 2022. Overall, our industry and business continue to endure unprecedented volatility in its supply and escalating costs. We are closely monitoring
20 Jan 2021
Domtar is announcing a 12% increase effective March 1, 2021 on Thermal Paper. Price Increase letter is attached.
20 Jan 2021
The attached Letter is from Hansol America, announcing an 8% increase on March 1st for Thermal Paper
12 Jan 2021
RISI Fastmarkets posted that Koehler Paper is to increase paper pricing by 12%, effective immediately. This is on the heals of other increase announcements as well as the announced increase roll backs by other mills. To Say that this is creating confusion in the market is an understatement!
7 Jan 2021
No you are not looking at a Wal-Mart add where they roll the pricing back. Actually, you are reading about the CRAZY world of thermal paper. Yesterday, on the heals of making a large price increase announcement, Hansol decided that the increase would not be passed on in the US markets. However, they are experiencing
5 Jan 2021
Hansol, a key importer of thermal paper into the US from S. Korea, has announced a 10%-15% increase on thermal paper effective January 1, 2021, according the RISI. Torraspapel (Lecta) announced an increase of 5% effective January 4, 2021. Time will tell if/when other mills follow this announcement. Hansol announced a 10% increase in February,
4 Dec 2020
22 Oct 2020
21 Oct 2020
Domtar is rebranding POS paper grades that were made in the Appvion Ohio Facility. These changes take effect on October 26, 2020. A few examples of changes are: Alpha 400 2.1 – Domtar POS 48S – 2.1 Alpha 300 2.3 – Domtar POS 55S – 2.3 Alpha 400 3.2 – Domtar POS 74S – 3.2