Our Blogs

15 Jul 2024
Based on the most current product information from Paper Mills, many upgrades/changes are happening across the board.  These changes involve trying to keep up with State Legislations that are now limiting or eliminating certain chemicals from being imported into certain States. The most well-known is California, with Proposition 65.  This legislation is a master list
15 Mar 2024
Attached is a copy of the price increase notice for Domtar of 8-10%.  This will be effective on shipments as of April 15, 2024. This will affect 48, 55, and 80-gram non-topcoated stocks. This comes as a total shock, based on the pricing pressure Domtar is already feeling from foreign suppliers. If you have any
11 Mar 2024
This attachment is a copy of a Price Increase Announcement from Koehler effective April 1, 2024. It is still uncertain how this will play out in the US Markets. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Kent, bkent@telemarkcorp.com
5 Jan 2024
Starting December 29, 2024 the State of California is adding the chemical BPS to the list of potentially dangerous chemicals.  All Shipments to the State of California will either have to be Bisphenol Free (BPA and BPS) free or Labeled with a Proposition 65 Warning Label. Here is the link to the State of California
4 Jan 2024
Fastmarkets RISI indicates that the thermal markets are currently flat, but are expecting a decline due to soft demand. For the complete report, click below: FastMarkets RISI Report 12-20-23 For questions, please contact Brandon Kent at bkent@telemarkcorp.com
4 Jan 2024
Appvion Announces an 8% Price Increase. To view the actual increase letter, click below: Appvion Price Increase Letter12-21-2023   For questions or more information, please get in touch with Brandon Kent at bkent@telemarkcorp.com
8 Nov 2023
We just received this email from UPS about their upcoming Rate Increases: 2024 Rates and Services This summer, UPS and the U.S. Teamsters reached a new five-year labor agreement that rewards our hardworking people and sets us up to better serve you. We want to thank you for continuing to trust us with your shipping
31 Oct 2023
There are some new rumors spreading via media outlets concerning Thermal Paper. The “facts” that are being presented appear to be a misrepresentation of 10 year old news regarding BPA in thermal paper. These reports seem to be inverting the chemical BPA with BPS to reengage the conversations relating to “Is Thermal Paper Safe”. This
14 Jul 2023
On June 9, 2023 we received notice from the Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC) that LTL freight classes will be changing, based on Density, not overall weight and product type. This will take effect on AUGUST 5, 2023. Traditionally all of our paper has always been classified as Class 55, however, if the freight density
26 Jun 2023
The state of Washington has pushed back the enforcement of BPA/BPS Free Paper by 1 year.  Previously stated enforcement dates of  January 1, 2025 have been pushed back to January 1, 2026. See attached link directly from the State of Washington https://www.sgs.com/en/news/2023/06/safeguards-6923-washington-state-adopts-final-rule-under-safer-products-program   173-337 WAC: Bisphenols reporting requirements and restrictions Product Effective date Requirement Drink