Can the Media alter Facts? BPA vs BPS

There are some new rumors spreading via media outlets concerning Thermal Paper. The “facts” that are being presented appear to be a misrepresentation of 10 year old news regarding BPA in thermal paper. These reports seem to be inverting the chemical BPA with BPS to reengage the conversations relating to “Is Thermal Paper Safe”.

This is a news release, by one of the leading Thermal Paper Associations that will shed more details on the situation.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Brandon Kent
Vice President
Telemark Diversified Graphics

Big Changes Coming to LTL Freight

On June 9, 2023 we received notice from the Freight Classification Development Council (FCDC) that LTL freight classes will be changing, based on Density, not overall weight and product type.

This will take effect on AUGUST 5, 2023.

Traditionally all of our paper has always been classified as Class 55, however, if the freight density does not meet this category requirements, we will have to ship under other, more expensive categories.   This is going to make “estimating” LTL freight very difficult moving forward.  Attached is the documentation of the changes that will affect all of us.

Shipping LTL Catagory Changes

If you enjoy math, here is the actual calculation we must use to figure freight density and product classification:

The formula to determine the density of an item is: LxWxH / 1728 = Cubic Feet (CU FT), Weight (Pounds)/CU FT = Density (#PCF)

  1. Measure the shipment’s dimensions: length, width, height.
  2. Multiply the measurements together (length x width x height).
  3. Divide the result by 1,728 (cubic inches per foot) to find the cubic feet of the shipment.
  4. Divide the weight by the total cubic feet. This result is the freight density, or pounds per cubic foot (#PCF).

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Brandon Kent

Vice President

Telemark Diversified Graphics

Washington State Postpones BPA/BPS Rollout

The state of Washington has pushed back the enforcement of BPA/BPS Free Paper by 1 year.  Previously stated enforcement dates of  January 1, 2025 have been pushed back to January 1, 2026.

See attached link directly from the State of Washington


173-337 WAC: Bisphenols reporting requirements and restrictions

Product Effective date Requirement
Drink cans January 1, 2025
  • Prohibition of bisphenol-based epoxy can liner (excluding TMBPF based liners)
  • Rebuttable presumption1
Food cans January 1, 2024
  • Reporting of bisphenol-based epoxy can liner (excluding TMBPF based liners)
  • Rebuttable presumption1
Thermal paper January 1, 2026
  • Prohibition of intentionally added bisphenols
  • Rebuttable presumption2

1 The Department of Ecology presumes the detection of a bisphenol, excluding TMBPF, indicates a bisphenol-based epoxy can liner

2 The Department of Ecology presumes the detection of bisphenol concentrations above 200 ppm indicate intentionally added bisphenols

Washington State to Outlaw Bisphenols in Paper Receipts

The State of Washington has voted to outlaw Bisphenols, commonly called BPA and BPS, effective January 1, 2025.

This is the announcement of the change.  CLICK HERE

You will notice that this affects many industries.

In addition to the change in law, the state is assisting with some of the transition costs associated with the ruling.  Specifically to the thermal paper market, what is not included is the significant increase in raw material costs that will be passed on to businesses and consumers.  You can CLICK HERE for the link to the state-supported assistance.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact Brandon Kent, Vice President of Telemark Diversified Graphics at