Parking Costs – The Most Expensive Cities to Park Your Car

Motorists spend an average of 17 hours a year searching for spots on streets, in lots, or in garages. The hunt adds up to an estimated $345 per driver in wasted time, fuel, and emissions, according to the analysis by INRIX, a leading specialist in connected car services and transportation analytics.
Overpaying — caused by drivers’ inability to estimate how long they need to park or forking over extra at a garage to avoid the risk of getting a parking ticket — costs Americans more than $20 billion a year or $97 per driver, the report estimated.
Once you find your parking spot, there’s also the cost for parking. This is most expensive in the largest cities. In 2019, Parkopedia released its third annual update on the 50 most expensive cities for short-stay, daily and monthly paid parking.

Parking in New York City —if you find it—could cost $37 off-street for just two hours. The next highest, Chicago, costs about $21. The top 10 most expensive cities for monthly parking all cost over $200 per month, with New York costing a hefty $655. Boston rolls in at second place at $337, and Jersey City and San Francisco in third and fourth place, respectively, both costing around $300 a month.

On-street two-hour parking in New York, is only about $8, making parking off-street 344 percent more expensive than parking on-street. Parking on the street in Denver will save you 542 percent, which is the most compared to parking off-street. Only Miami Beach has cheaper average prices for paid 2-hour off-street parking.



Connecticut Court’s Online System allows individuals to plead “not guilty” online

The Connecticut Superior Court’s Online Adjudication System enables individuals who plead “not guilty” to a traffic infraction to participate in the court process electronically, rather than be required to physically appear in court.

Prior to the implementation of Electronic Citation (E-Citation) Processing, Connecticut’s traffic violation citation disposition system was completely manual, making it vulnerable to human error at many points throughout the process. In addition to creating opportunities for inaccurate and conflicting data, reliance upon a system based on paper and multiple points of data entry often results in processing delays, among other issues. The timeliness and uniformity of the Connecticut Superior Court’s Online Adjudication System eliminates the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in adjudication and conviction information posted to driver history files.

Through this system, Connecticut has successfully created collaboration between police services, courts and prosecuting authorities, ensuring accurate information and access to justice leading to meaningful adjudications. Currently available throughout the state, the system has reduced costs, improved the quality and timeliness of hearings and improved the convenience and efficiency of the process for both the court and the individual who receives the infraction. The online system now makes it possible for Connecticut residents to pay fines online or plead “not guilty” online.

What happens when Connecticut citizens plead not guilty to an e-ticket?Here is an explanation of what happens from the Connecticut Court Traffic Violation web site:

  • When the Not Guilty plea is received, the Centralized Infractions Bureau will transfer your case to a Superior Court location for the geographical area where your ticket was issued.
  • You may have to go to court.
  • If your ticket was issued in certain locations of the state where there are Regional Motor Vehicle courts, you may be able to provide a written response to a prosecutor who may or may not nolle your case. If your case is nolled, the charges are dropped. If it is not nolled you will have to appear at the court.
  • The local court will send you a notice giving you a court hearing date.
  • The prosecutor may transfer your case to court, where it will be scheduled for a trial before a judicial authority.
  • The prosecutor may make an offer to you which could include reduced fines or fees and/or an option to accept different charges.If you accept the offer, a plea of nolo contendere (no contest) will enter and you will pay the agreed upon fines/fees. You will not need to come to court.

The use of e-ticket systems may make it easier for courts in more states to adopt online processing of traffic fines and to handle “not guilty” pleas.

Nebraska police implement statewide e-ticket system for 2020

OMAHA, Neb. (from a story by KMTV) — Police cruisers across Nebraska are now required to use electronic ticketing, effective at the start of 2020.

The technology, called TraCS, has been around for the last decade and has been implemented by area police departments over the last two and a half years. Police forces across the state finished implementing the techology over the last six months.

“It’s easier to track data, get data and use data if we need to, it’s easier to compile stats for click it or ticket,” said Officer Shaun Manning of the Bellevue Police Department.

Lieutenant Mike Grummert of the Nebraska State Patrol said, “After it is issued to the motorist it comes back and is sent to whatever county you’re in to the attorney’s office or prosecutor’s office and it’s all done on the computer so it keeps it organized.”

“What happens is it eliminates a lot of the time we can spend on the traffic stop,” Grummer said. “Beforehand when we were handwriting it could take several minutes, now it’s you scan a driver’s license and registration and you enter the violation and you can issue citations and warnings so much faster.”

While the new technology may take time for some of the officers to get used to, Grummert, who has been using the electronic ticketing technology for eight years, said officers will see its benefits.


Police Training for an e-ticket or traffic e-summons program in Virginia

A summary based on the report of the Virginia State Police to the Virginia General Assembly. This includes actual costs and how the training was implemented for the e-ticket program in Virginia.

The Virginia State Police received $1,941,258 (FY 2019 through FY 2020) for the development and implementation of a pilot project to evaluate an electronic summons (E-Summons or E-ticket) application in the Northern Virginia region.

In 2019, the final contract was signed and implementation began with the selection of 100 troopers and supervisors for program testing and product evaluation. Each of the selected participants was issued updated mobile computer hardware that would enable them to operate the application software necessary for the pilot project. Each computer included technology that would allow the trooper to scan the driver’s license and the vehicle registration to automatically populate the required data fields on the Virginia Uniform Summons. Additionally, each participant was issued a thermal printer to produce the required paper copy of the summons for issuance to the violator.

Data on work activity prior to the pilot project implementation indicated that the average amount of time a trooper spent for traffic violations in the region was approximately 26 minutes per summons. By comparison, the average amount of time troopers spent issuing a traffic summons through the ESummons application was 10 minutes per summons. This represents a 62 percent reduction in time.

All costs associated with the necessary training for the 100 project participants were absorbed by the VSP. These expenses involved four days of “train the trainer” in the hardware, software, and system functionality and also include the time each VSP trainer spent instructing other program participants to ensure they were proficient in the application and all operations. Total training costs were approximately $135,163.00.

Training for the e-ticket program

The E-Summons Pilot Project was officially launched in September, 2019, with the first session of a train-the-trainer classroom instruction. Day one of the training addressed the technical operation of the equipment and the functionality of the ESummons software. The second day of the training was actual field application and the issuance of electronic summonses for uploading and transmission to the Virginia Supreme Court and to the specific court for adjudication.

With the implementation of the E-Summons application there was immediate positive feedback from the participating troopers. Following the first day of actual enforcement and electronic production of the Virginia Traffic Summons one of the participants stated, “This is a game changer!” The level of efficiency gained through the application was immediately recognized for improving personal safety for all involved by reducing the time required to issue a summons. For troopers, the simple ability to know whether a person had been previously given a summons or a warning by another trooper was one of the most commented on features of the E-Summons program. Following the first week of implementation with the first of the selected troopers operating the E-Summons program, approximately 500 traffic summons were uploaded to the Virginia Supreme Court for processing by the General District Courts.

A review to determine the number and degree of errors revealed the error rate was less than one tenth of one percent. The errors committed (the wrong court was inadvertently selected) were easily corrected by the courts once the record was in their case management system. The Virginia Supreme Court was also contacted following the first data upload to determine if any of the participating courts experienced problems or concerns regarding any aspect of the project. No issues were raised by any jurisdiction.

Evaluation of the E-ticket Program

The E-Summons Pilot Project was met with a high level of enthusiasm and support by the troopers and supervisors that participated. The activity reports generated through the E-Summons program’s software benefited troopers, supervisors, managers, and administrators. With this program, troopers are able to quickly search all of the summonses they issue, including their individual notes regarding the stop, in a digital environment.

Previously, they had to conduct hand searches of their own paper copies to do so. Preliminary findings from software testing indicate supervisors are able to review trooper work activities and monitor enforcement with respect to the strategic allocation of resources to address highway safety needs with increased manpower efficiency.

Costs of the E-ticket Program

The cost to produce the violator and court copies of the summons for an E-Summons is a slight increase from the pre-printed form currently used throughout the ranks of the VSP. The Virginia Supreme Court requires that the paper used to print the hard copy of the E-Summons have a twenty year shelf life for record keeping. The E-Summons project uses a special thermal paper to meet this requirement. A single roll of paper enables a trooper to generate approximately 40 summonses. Each roll costs six dollars. This equates to fifteen cents per summons. The comparative cost to issue a summons using the current paper version with handwritten information is nine cents per summons. Considering the pilot division issued over 82,700 summonses during FY18, the total increase in paper cost would be approximately $5,000/yr.

The cost to retrofit and fully equip a state police patrol vehicle with the equipment and computer hardware/software needed to operate the E-Summons Pilot Project was $12,617. This figure includes the Panasonic CF33 MCT, a docking station, the Panasonic N1 handheld device, a thermal printer, and the expenses incurred for the removal of old equipment and the installation of the new equipment. There are additional costs for the E-Summons application software and essential printer supplies (thermal paper and ink).

The information for this post comes from the Report on Virginia State Police E-Summons Project