As all the mills are starting to convert over from BPA and BPS Free to Phenol Free, we are hearing from the mills of a sizable price increase in cost for the chemistry in the Phenol Free papers. Originally, some of the mills were telling clients that the change would be “cost neutral”, however, this does NOT appear to be the case. The pricing that is being floated currently ranges from 13% to 18% more. This range covers various grades and makes of thermal paper. Regardless of the grade, you can currently expect to see increases in the double digits for Phenol Free Paper.
Phenol-free paper is currently only mandatory in the State of Washington as of January 1, 2026. However, several other states are considering joining the push for Phenol Free paper.
Since we are in the infancy of this new product roll out and the conversion process, there are many avenues to navigate moving forward. One thing is certain, we will all be tired of talking about this transition, by the time it is complete.
If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Kent, Vice President, Telemark Diversified Graphics at